Exploring San Jose


Today I slept in till 9. I was going to wake up earlier but the bed stole me. I didn't want to miss breakfast so I got myself up and went and ate. Man the morning was so beautiful. I went from cold weather to the tropics. It was amazing. I was taking it all in, eating my breakfast. Listening to the birds and the traffic of the town and of course all of the planes coming in. We were literally next to the airport basically. haha But after breakfast I went and got ready and Randall and his boys came over to our hotel and we end up getting a taxi and went and explored the City Mall in town. At first the mall didn't seem that big on the first 3 floors than all of a sudden it got HUGE! There was a huge Christmas tree and a little winter wonderland set up. It looked so nice and cute. Dawn and I seen a virtual reality simulator that we tried out and it was pretty cool. First we were on a roller coaster than we went through space. The space one was awesome!!! After that, we walked around the mall. It kind of reminded me of Mall of America because there was so many floors and stores. We walked around and checked out the food court which was PACKED. They were watching football (Soccer) on a big screen and they must've scored a goal or something because EVERYBODY in there started cheering and I was confused what was happening. I thought somebody was getting married or something. Haha than they scored another goal and that's when I realized they were cheering over the game. But there was so many people there. Almost toooooo many people. Everybody knew we were different but we almost blended in, until they talked to us. So Dawn and I left the city mall back to our hotel and we left Randall and his boys because we all couldn't fit in the cab. So after getting back to the hotel, Dawn and I still wanted to explore the town a little to find some souvenirs but the receptionist didn't really know where to get authentic souvenirs. She suggested we check out the city center so we did. She called us a cab and it was about 4-5 miles away or so. It was pretty busy there. Lots and lots of people on every street and police officers on almost every corner. When we got into the city center, there was loud music playing so we went and checked it out and I'm pretty sure it was people doing the Salsa. They were just jamming out, dancing, and enjoying life. Next to that was a group of young men break dancing. Spinning on their heads, doing other wild break dance moves. It was cool. We also seen some boy playing on some drums that were homemade from buckets. We walked around trying to find some cool shops but didn't see a whole lot. We stumbled upon a museum that had some history of the country. There must've been a lot of wars at one point because that's what was mostly talked about. They also had lots of art too. It was interesting to see. After that there was a big church near by so we went in there to see how it looked and it was beautiful! I'm not catholic or anything but it was still nice. They must have been having an open service because some lady was preaching. But we sat there for a little while then walked around the outside of the church and they had some beautiful flowers there. Afterwards we caught a cab back to the hotel so we wouldn't be late for our dinner with everybody. We got back before 6 and we had dinner there at the hotel with everybody. We all went around the table and introduced ourselves, said where we were from and what college we were representing. It was nice. I ordered spaghetti for dinner cause I'm basic and didn't really know what else to order. haha but after dinner I went straight to bed because we had a long day ahead of us in the morning and I wanted to sleep! lol g'nite.


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