Day 7/ Biological Station/ CRIRE


Spent part of my morning in the lab trying to ID a sample. It was our free day but I wanted to get it done. Sadly I missed out on the talks and walks with the Ngobe but I got to ask around and see it on Snapchat. After lunch we took a taxi to town. Luckily our driver spoke a little English! Anyway we walked through the town. It is so small. There’s a lot of people though. Lots of little “powwow shops” ad Kate called them. Haha but that’s kinda what they were. I bought myself some sandals and a new outfit because it was sooo hot in town!! We stopped by the grocery store and got some snacks for ourselves. Than we found a little bakery that was amazing! I’m not sure what we ate but we ate it. Haha than we continued walking around town. It got kind of boring after awhile because the town is so small and we basically went through the whole thing. We end up waiting in the town center for awhile because we had nothing else to do. All the little couples were there as well and made me start missing my boo. Haha jk but around 5 we end up going to the crepe place and a few of us got coffee while we waited and than we went and had pizza! Was seriously expecting the pizza to be ready for us when we got there but oh well. After that we came back to the station and once again I was suuuuuper tired and fell right asleep. Goodnight!


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