Depart from Montana and the US


Last night, my family and I stayed in Billings down the road from the airport so I'd be able to catch my flight in the morning. I got up and ready at four and was at the airport by 5:15. Luckily Billings airport isn't that busy and getting through TSA is a breeze. Our flight left at 6:30 in the morning. The plane was actually pretty packed. I played sudoku most of that flight because I'm a nerd like that. haha But we got into Salt Lake City around 8 I think. It was a short layover and we boarded our next flight to Atlanta not too long after that. We got to Atlanta in the afternoon and we had a kind of long layover there which was okay because we got to eat and also exchange our money there. It was cool because they had to open up a new pack of money for us. I was feeling fresh. But we only had like 5 minutes until we started boarding our plane and we made it just in time to board. The flight was kinda long. Like four hours. I fell asleep on it because I'm always so tired. haha But we arrived to Costa Rica after 9 and it was an amazing feeling. Especially getting another stamp in my passport book and getting through customs. All I could hear was Spanish being spoken. I wish I could speak it fluently! Maybe after I learn my native language fluently I'll shoot for Spanish next. We waited for our bags at the bag drop off and we got almost all of our bags. Our lab bag didn't come through the hole where the bags were coming from and we started getting worried and than right before we were about to give up, one of the airport workers carried it in and we were so relieved. Especially because we had to rig up our stick for our D-net onto the bag so it wouldn't get lost. Thankfully it made it from the planes. After we got our bags we met Scott who was waiting outside of the airport for us. OMG when I first stepped outside of the plane into the airport, I can already feel the humidity. But when I stepped outside of the airport oh my gosh it was even more humid. But the air smelt really nice. It smelt like flowers! It was crazy. We dropped off Randall and his boys at the Hilton and Dawn and I stayed at Hotel Aeroporto. It was a nice hotel. Dawn and I got settled into our room and went straight to bed.


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