Day5/Biological Station/CRIRE


Today, most of my group went back out to the water fall to get another sample from there because the same we got from there wasn’t the best. we only found 3 macroinvertebrates in the whole sample and my mentor didn’t like that so him, Dawn, and his son Gabriel went back out to get another sample. Randall JR and I stayed back so we can go through our samples and I started identifying the larvae in one of our samples. I didn’t get to finish the sample because i was stuck on trying to ID one but eventually got it. I’ll finish it in the AM. But lunch today was super good. We had jojo’s (potato wedges) and omg they were the bomb. Dinner was good too. After dinner, I went back to the lab to try and get as much of my sample done but came back around 9 and I’m getting ready for bed! Good night!


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