Day4/Biological Station/CRIRE


Today we went out to the Caldera streams I think. They were the first two streams going into the forest. We collected two more samples at those streams. The first stream we stopped at, which was the second stream along the trail, had lots of movement in it. We also seen lots of crabs in our sample. Some of the crabs climbed out. I’d do the same if I got kicked into a net. Haha but we also caught a tiny little fishy and released him because he isn’t a macroinvertebrate. We also seen a lizard! It was an anol lizard. It was awesome! We got some good pictures of him then we set him free to do his thing. Then for the second stream sample, we stopped at the first stream that’s along the trail and got our second sample. There was some movement in the sample which was good! We hiked back up to the lab and started sorting out our samples. Luckily there’s 4 of us to get it done! The day went on and after dinner we had a cultural exchange with the Ngobe people. They showed us one of their dances and songs and it was so awesome. They also shared a story. I shared with them my family song that belongs to only my family. It was crazy cause I could feel my family on the other side there with me. Made me a bit emotional but it was comforting at the same time. Than after that Kristie shared a dance from her tribe (yakama) which was called the swan dance. I hopped in it because I felt like someone from my group needed to represent our people back home. Lol after that, I came to bed! We do a lot everyday and once the day is over, I just want to sleep! Lol so goodnight! :)


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